What I love about Christmas
stringing beads for the tree
the smell of turkey roasting
making paper chains with the kids
wrapping presents
finding the perfect gift for someone I love
Christmas carols
nativity scenes
decorating the tree
finding the perfect Christmas tree
hanging the special bulbs
painting ornaments with the kids
unwrapping a gift from a young child
Christmas cards
remembering Christmases past
hot chocolate
untangling lights
realizing I came up with the perfect light-rolling technique last year, so I don't HAVE to untangle any lights!
bragging to my husband that the lights aren't tangled
searching for that ONE light that doesn't work
comparing our house's decorations to our neighbors'
driving through Griffith Park to view the light display
Santa's lap at Winter Wonderland
donating a toy to a needy child
helping the gift wrapping of donated toys